I love open source software, and I try to use it whenever possible. The ability to be able to fork the codebase and add (or fix) functionality you need means you’re not reliant on a third party for a bug fix.
In an effort to share more open source software, here are a couple of repositories for tools that I find useful day-to-day for development:
Super Productivity - An open source time tracking / task organization tool that integrates with Jira, GitHub and GitLab.
Pandoc - This is a great tool that enables easy conversion between markup formats. I mainly use it to write documentation in a markdown editor and then convert it to MediaWiki format.
ScreenToGif - ScreenToGif allows you to record your screen and save it as, you guessed it, a GIF. I find this incredibly useful for sharing quick demos / new functionality in video format.
Draw.io - It’s worth noting this project is open source, but closed to contributors. I use it to make UML diagrams and flowcharts to describe functionality and system architecture changes.
Git Recall - This a really useful tool that allows you to quickly browse through commit diffs in the terminal.
Posted on August 28, 2021